Learning neuroanatomy terms is a lot like learning a second language.

In neuroanatomy, we don’t say top, bottom, back and front. Instead, we have a whole different range of terminology for describing which region of the brain we are talking about.

But don’t worry, with this blog post, learning all the new names will be a doddle!


The “top” of the brain is referred to as either the:

  • Dorsal 
  • Superior

…parts of the brain.

Remember: Dorsal

To remember that the top section of the brain is sometimes referred to as the dorsal region of the brain, think of the dorsal fin of a shark.

The dorsal fin sits at the top of the shark’s body.

This is the fin that often pokes out of the water before a shark attack in the movies.


Remember: Superior

To remember that the top section of the brain is sometimes referred to as the superior region of the brain, picture someone who thinks that they are superior to those around them, such as a mean queen.

You could say that they believe that they are above everyone else – just like the superior region of the brain is above all the other regions in the brain.

Image: from clipartwolf.com


The bottom of the brain is referred to as either the:

  • Ventral
  • Inferior

…parts of the brain.

Remember: Ventral

Ventral comes from the Latin “venter” meaning, belly.

To remember that the bottom section of the brain is sometimes referred to as the ventral region, think of how, in the movies, whenever the hero is moving through a ventilation system, they’ll usually end up stepping on a loose vent panel and falling right into the bad guy’s main office below.

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Remember: Inferior

To remember that the bottom section of the brain is sometimes referred to as the inferior region, picture someone who thinks that they are inferior to those around them, such as sulky Sam.

Image: from clipartpanda.com

Sulky Sam is upset because Suzie got an A on her psychology test, whereas, he got a C.

Image: image of girl and boy both adapted from clipartpanda.com

Sulky Sam thinks he is inferior to Suzie.


The back of the brain is referred to as either the:

  • Posterior
  • Caudal

…parts of the brain.

Remember: Posterior

To remember that the back of the brain is referred to as the posterior region, remember that the word posterior can also be another name for your butt. Therefore, you can think of the posterior region of the brain, as the brain’s butt or backside.

My brain, sitting on it's posterior and totally not revising for finals like it should be doing right now..jpg

Remember: Caudal

To remember that the back region of the brain is also sometimes referred to as the caudal region of the brain, imagine a really mean lecturer named Mr. Caudal who always sets loads of assignments.

You could say that Mr. Caudal is a pain in the backside!

(Remember- the ruder something is, the more likely you are to remember it!)

My brain, sitting on it's posterior and totally not revising for finals like it should be doing right now.-2.jpg

DISCLAIMER: Characters featured in this blog are not based on any persons, whether living, deceased, fictional or otherwise.


The front of the brain is referred to as either the:

  • Rostral
  • Anterior

…parts of the brain.

Remember: Rostral

To remember that the front section of the brain is sometimes referred to as the rostral region, remember that in a lecture, the speaker stands at a podium at the front of the lecture hall – this podium is called the rostrum.

Lecturer stood at the rostrum..jpg

The podium that a conductor uses when he stands in front of an orchestra is also called a rostrum.

Remember: Anterior

Image source: @antanddec at Twitter.com

To remember that anterior region of the brain is at the front of the brain, think of the famous television duo, Ant and Dec.

When you say Ant and Dec, Ant’s name always comes in front of Dec’s. You never say Dec and Ant, that would just be weird.

So, Ant is always in front of Dec – he is ANTerior to him.


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